Milena Neubert was born in Yambol, Bulgaria in 1973. In 1997 graduated from the National Academy of Arts Sofia, Bulgaria. In 1997-1999 she worked as as a designer in publishing and advertising House “Nia”, Sofia, Bulgaria. In 1999-2004 she did Post-graduated studies at the University of Burg Giebichenstein for Art and Design, Halle/Saale, Germany. 2005-2006 Graphicdesigner in DIGITAL SYSTEMS GmbH, Leipzig, Germany. Selected exhibitions: "Renessance of colour" - Bulgarian cultural institute in Berlin, Germany (Solo Exhibition) 2012; "Drawing 2012" - Swiss Art Space, Lausanne, Switzerland (2012). “Limited edition”- gallery Jordan/Seydoux — drawings & prints, Berlin, Germany (2010). “The art of collotype printing” - Museum of the printing arts Leipzig, Germany (2009).
From 2007 she is freelance artist. Works and lives in Leipzig, Germany.
"In my opinion the project is awonderful platform for presenting Bulgarian artists working outside the country. This exhibition is an opportunity for their work to be appreciated on national level. The initiative taken by the organizers helps to promote the contribution of these artists to the Bulgarian art scene. I'm really happy to participate in the exhibition and to show and share my creative world with the Bulgarian audience, colleagues and connoisseurs of art."